The psychological benefits of writing an legacy letter

Discover the therapeutic power of ethical wills. Our templates help with end-of-life planning and storytelling. Create meaningful tributes, even with dementia.

I remember sitting at my grandmother's bedside, listening to her stories of love, loss, and the lessons she had learned throughout her life. It was in those moments that I realised the profound impact of what she was sharing—her legacy was not merely in assets or property, but in the values and memories she passed on to our family. Crafting a legacy letter not only preserves this legacy but also provides emotional and psychological benefits that can bring clarity and peace during times of grief and uncertainty.

What is a Legacy Letter?

A legacy letter is more than just a document; it’s a heartfelt reflection of your values, beliefs, and experiences. Think of it as a personal guide for your loved ones, outlining not material wealth, but the emotional and ethical inheritance you wish to pass down. You might ask, “Why would I need to express my values?” The truth is, these discussions can significantly impact your family's understanding and relationships.

Definition and Purpose of a Legacy Letter

At its core, a legacy letter is a letter or document in which you share your life lessons, hopes, and dreams for your family’s future. It serves multiple purposes:

Legacy Communication

It allows you to articulate what is truly important to you.

Emotional Connection

A legacy letter nurtures a deeper bond between generations.


It serves as a compass for your loved ones, providing direction during life's challenges.

By writing a legacy letter, you essentially create a bridge from your heart to your family's understanding. You might be thinking, “What’s the difference between a legacy letter and a traditional will?”

Evaheld Legacy Vault

Evaheld is dedicated to empowering people to complete their digital Legacy and Advance Care Planning, with an all-inclusive Evaheld Legacy Vault making it easy, enjoyable and secure to preserve and share your personal and family voice, story and legacy!

Evaheld empowers people to future-proof their voice for better care and well-being, as well as preserve and share their story and legacy for loved ones and future generations.

And with twelve comprehensive categories that cover over 120 different content types, you can confidently create a family heirloom of true value for your loved ones and future generations.

What you can secure in your Evaheld Legacy Vault

1. Family History & Legacy

2. Life Story, Memoir & Personal Truths

3. Preserve a Deceased Loved One's Memory & Legacy

4. Messages for Milestone Occasions

5. Legacy Letters, Ethical Wills & Legacy Statements

6. Life Lessons, Advice, Wisdom

7. Love, Appreciation & Encouragement

8. Future Generations

9. Forgiveness and Reconciliation

10. Funeral Preferences & Messages

11. Digital & Accessible Advance Care Directive

12. Health & Care Preferences

Learn more about setting up a personalised Evaheld Legacy Vault for your family!

With Evaheld, people are supported through the entire creation process, with the world’s most comprehensive suite of content types and in-browser video, audio and written content creation (or uploads), and of course secure lifetime storage. People also have full management over their recipient, privacy and delivery preferences, safeguarding their privacy, independence, and connections to loved ones today, and into the future.

Start your Evaheld Legacy Vault for FREE and secure your story and family legacy!

Difference Between Legacy Letters and Traditional Wills

While both types of wills are important, they serve different purposes:


Legacy Letters

Traditional Will


Share values and life lessons

Distribute assets and property

Legally Binding




Emotional and Ethical Legacies

Financial and Material Assets

In simple terms, a traditional will focuses on what you own, while a legacy letter focuses on who you are and what you would like your children or loved ones to carry forward. This distinction is essential and often misunderstood.

Common Misconceptions About Legacy Letters

Even though Legacy Letters have gained popularity, many misconceptions surround them:

Myth 1

Legacy Letters are legal documents.
Reality: They are not legally binding. Instead, they serve as personal messages.

Myth 2

They are only for the elderly.
Reality: Anyone can write one. It’s never too early to share your values.

Myth 3

Legacy Letters are complicated to write.
Reality: They can be as simple as a letter to your loved ones.

These misunderstandings can prevent individuals from considering the importance of a legacy letter. In fact, how often do we share our life’s wisdom with our families? Perhaps not as often as we should.

The Importance of Discussing Legacy

Did you know that 80% of people believe talking about legacy is important, yet only 20% have had these discussions? That's quite a gap!



Think discussing legacy is important


Actually had these discussions


Research indicates that sharing personal stories can lead to stronger familial bonds. This emotional sharing creates a culture of openness. It is a form of psychological inheritance that nurtures future generations.

As one anonymous source wisely stated,

“A legacy letter is a reflection of your soul; it's what you want to be remembered by.”

This simple yet profound statement captures the essence of what a legacy letter represents. It's a cherished legacy, grounded in love and connection. Writing a legacy letter is about nurturing those relationships. So, let's not allow misconceptions or fear to keep us from leaving a meaningful imprint on our families.

Understanding the foundation of a legacy letter is crucial for anyone considering this tool. It’s not just about passing on wealth. It’s about passing on wisdom and values that matter most. And those can be far more valuable than any material possession.

Psychological Benefits of Writing a Legacy Letter

Writing can do wonders for our mental well-being. I believe many of us have felt the relief that comes after jotting down our thoughts, feelings, or experiences. It’s almost as if pen and paper act as a therapist’s couch. One unique way we can harness this power of writing is through creating a Legacy Letter.

How Writing Can Serve as Therapy

Therapeutic writing isn't just about writing novels or keeping diaries. It’s about expressing your innermost thoughts. When we write, we open a window to our soul. A legacy letter is a personal document where you share your values, beliefs, and life lessons. It allows you to articulate what truly matters to you.

Emotional Release

Writing can provide a safe space to explore our emotions. Expressing how we feel about life, love, loss, and our legacy can be incredibly liberating. It allows us to confront sensitive topics, like mortality.

Cognitive Clarity

Often, we have a chaotic mix of emotions and thoughts. Writing clarifies them. It helps us see our experiences in a new light. I find that writing offers a form of self-discovery.

Increased Resilience

Engaging in writing can bolster our emotional strength. By confronting our feelings, we learn to navigate life’s challenges. What if writing is the very tool we need to foster resilience?

The Role of Storytelling in Healing

Storytelling is a profound aspect of what makes us human. When we narrate our stories, we make sense of them. Writing a legacy letter often means telling your story. This can influence not only you but also those who read it.

Have you ever noticed how people connect through stories? They evoke empathy and understanding. When we share our narratives—our victories, struggles, and lessons—we engage in healing for ourselves and others. Here are a few ways storytelling can assist in healing:

Processing Emotions

Stories help us unpack our feelings about life and death. It’s easier to cope with our fears when we externalise them.

Creating Connections

Stories can bridge gaps between generations. Writing a legacy letter enables us to transfer wisdom and values down to our loved ones. It’s like saying, “This is who I am, and this is what I believe.”

Legacy and Meaning

Through stories, we build our legacy. We articulate what we want to pass on. It reminds us of our impact and helps us find purpose.

Coping with the Fear of Mortality through Legacy Creation

One of the harsh realities of life is that it ends. This thought can be daunting. Fear of mortality is common. But what if we could transform that fear into something positive? A legacy letter allows us to confront our mortality while leaving behind a legacy.

Instead of fearing what comes next, we can focus on what we leave behind. As

“Writing is a form of closure that ushers in a new chapter in our lives.” - Anonymous

This burying of fear in legacy can be incredibly freeing. Here are some essential elements of this coping mechanism:

Control Over Legacy

Creating a legacy letterl gives us a sense of control. We decide what our heirs will remember us by.

Reflection and Acceptance

Writing allows us to reflect on our journey. By accepting our life’s narrative, we can find peace.

Inspiration for Others

Our stories can inspire future generations. They serve as a guide for our loved ones when they face their own challenges.

Research on Mental Health and Writing

Now, let’s take a look at some compelling data. Numerous studies support the therapeutic benefits of writing. For instance, journal writing has been shown to improve mental health outcomes and decrease anxiety levels. Here’s a summary of the findings:



Study A

Improved emotional processing in participants who journaled regularly.

Study B

Reduced anxiety levels noted in groups engaged in expressive writing.

Study C

Increased resilience in individuals who documented their experiences.

In summary, writing, particularly through the lens of a legacy letter, offers various psychological benefits. It serves as therapy, fosters storytelling, and helps us cope with mortality. In the journey of life, expressing ourselves through writing can be a gateway to understanding and peace.

Crafting Your Legacy Letter: A Step-by-Step Guide

Writing a Legacy Letter might sound daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. A legacy letter serves as a means to pass down your beliefs, values, and life lessons to future generations. It's more than a simple document; it’s a piece of your soul. So, how do we create one? Let’s break it down in a few simple steps.

Finding the Right Legacy Letter Template

First things first: we need a structure. This is where finding the right legacy letterl template becomes crucial. A formless document can feel overwhelming, and templates can provide the necessary framework. However, it's important to remember that templates are merely guides. They aren't meant to confine your thoughts.

Look for templates online

Many websites offer free resources.

Select a template that resonates

Ensure it feels comfortable to you.

Keep it flexible

Feel free to modify the format as you go.

Templates can help you find clarity. But, personalization is the key. Think of it as a glove: “A legacy letter should fit you as a glove fits a hand; it must be uniquely yours." This means that your legacy letter should reflect your identity and not just follow a standard form.

Brainstorming Content: Values, Lessons, Advice

Next comes the heart of the legacy letter: the content. This is where we get to dive deeper. Start by asking yourself some questions:

What values do I cherish the most?

What life lessons have I learned through my experiences?

What advice would I want to share with my loved ones?

Consider jotting down thoughts that come to mind. If you’ve had significant experiences or faced hardships, share those. Anecdotes enrich your legacy letter. They act as a window into your heart, showing what truly matters to you.

Don't hesitate to include stories from your childhood or those pivotal moments in your life that define who you are. Sometimes, it helps to think about the advice you'd give to your younger self. Ask: what would I want to say? What have I learned?

Each story or lesson should resonate with the *core values* you want to convey. Whether it’s about kindness, resilience, or creativity, ensure that every piece ties back to the essence of who you are.

Tips for Effective Memoir Writing and Legacy Letters

Writing is a skill, and we can always improve it. Here are some tips to enhance your legacy letter:

Be honest

Write from your heart. Authenticity invites connection.

Be clear and concise

Avoid long-winded sentences. Stick to the point.

Use simple language

This makes it accessible to everyone.

Edit while you write

Don’t wait until it’s finished to consider improvements.

It’s also important to consider your audience. Think about how they will perceive your words. Using simple vocabulary ensures that the core message is understood. Remember, clarity brings peace of mind for both you and your readers.

Length of an Legacy Letter

The length of a Legacy Letter can vary greatly. Research indicates that the *median length* is about 5-10 pages. This provides a healthy balance between comprehensiveness and brevity. Here’s a quick overview of the length:

Page Count


1-2 Pages

Brief insights, quick reflections

3-5 Pages

More detailed stories, valuable lessons

5-10 Pages

Rich narratives with profound lessons

Ultimately, your Legacy letter should be as long or as short as necessary. It is your legacy. It should convey what you want without feeling forced.

Crafting a legacy letter is a journey of self-discovery. It often encourages us to reflect on who we are and what we want to pass along to those we love. So, let’s commit to this process and create a document that truly honours our legacy.

Examples of Legacy Letters

Writing a legacy letter can feel daunting. It's more than just a piece of paper; it’s a heartfelt message you leave behind. These letters, often called legacy letters, allow us to share wisdom, values, and personal reflections with our loved ones. In this section, I’ll present some real-life examples of legacy letters, highlight what makes them unique, and share lessons we can learn from these stories.

Real-life Examples of Legacy Letters

Let’s look at various examples from both notable figures and ordinary individuals. These letters showcase a diverse range of styles and intentions.

David’s Legacy Letter

Written by a high-profile business tycoon to his children. David emphasised the importance of integrity in business, explaining how ethical choices had impacted his success.

Emily’s Family Cookbook

An ordinary grandmother crafted her legacy letter as a compilation of family recipes along with her thoughts on love and family history. Each recipe came with personal anecdotes, infusing her values into every dish.

The Soldier’s Letter

A soldier wrote a poignant letter to his children. He spoke of bravery, sacrifice, and the importance of standing up for one's beliefs. His words offered a lesson in courage and honour.

What Makes These Examples Stand Out

It’s not just the content of these letters; it’s also their delivery and intention. Here’s what makes them resonate:

Emotional Connection

Each letter reflects deep emotions, allowing the reader to feel the author’s spirit and intentions. This connection makes them memorable.


The authors were genuine. They shared their life experiences, mistakes, and triumphs, making their messages relatable and powerful.

Diversity in Style

The letters vary from poetic expressions to straightforward narratives. This variety showcases that there isn’t a 'right' way to write; it’s about what feels authentic to you.

Lessons Learned from Others' Stories

Every legacy letter carries a lesson. Here are a few standout points:

Value of Reflection

Writing these letters encourages deep reflection on one’s life. It prompts questions like, “What truly matters to me?” and “How do I wish to be remembered?”

Encouragement of Honesty

Many authors found that being open and honest about their fears and desires led to more profound connections with their loved ones.

Importance of Tradition

Some examples highlight how cultural or familial traditions can be woven into legacy letters, reminding us to cherish our backgrounds.



Core Message



Integrity in business



Family love and history

The Soldier


Bravery and sacrifice

Embracing Diverse Styles and Contexts

It’s crucial to recognise that these examples come from various traditions and contexts. Each culture has its way of expressing legacy. Some might present it in the form of a written document, while others might choose storytelling through oral traditions. The underlying theme is the profound desire to connect and pass on important messages.

So, what are we waiting for? By drawing inspiration from others' legacy letters, we can craft our own heartfelt messages. Remember, “the beauty of a legacy letter is that it captures the essence of who we are.”

It’s your opportunity to share your truth with those you care about.

Writing a legacy letter doesn’t have to be perfect; it just needs to be real. Finding your voice and expressing your values is what truly matters. Let others inspire you, and don’t forget to speak from the heart.

The Importance of Leaving an Emotional Inheritance

When we think about what we leave behind, we often focus on material possessions. Houses, cars, and money come to mind. But have you ever considered your emotional inheritance? What does this phrase mean, and why does it matter? Let’s uncover this fascinating, yet crucial aspect of legacy.

Understanding Emotional Inheritance and Its Impact

Emotional inheritance refers to the values, beliefs, and stories we pass down through generations. It shapes our family’s identity. These are not merely words but emotional treasures that can influence how future generations view themselves and their place in the world. But why is this emotional wealth, as I like to call it, so important? Well, have you noticed that families who share their values tend to be closer? Research supports this. Families that communicate about values are more likely to establish strong bonds.
As the saying goes, "Our stories connect us across generations, forming the fabric of our family's identity." - Anonymous.

Creating a Family Tree that Includes Emotional Values

Have you ever thought about how your family tree could tell a more meaningful story? Instead of just names and dates, imagine including emotional values alongside them. It might look like this:

Family Member

Emotional Value







This adds a rich layer of understanding to our family narrative. We can see how resilience shaped our grandparents and how empathy guided our parents in nurturing that same quality in us. This isn't just information; it's a bond. The emotional values keep us connected through time.

How Legacy Letters Can Foster Familial Connections Across Generations

Legacy letters are one of the most endearing gifts we can give our loved ones. Unlike traditional wills that outline material possessions, these letters focus on our values and life lessons. They allow us to share our emotional inheritance directly. This can be even more profound when we discuss sensitive topics or encourage storytelling. Writing about significant life experiences can serve as a bridge between generations.

Imagine your child reading about a great-grandparent’s struggle through hard times. This not only preserves their history but also provides motivation and ethical guidance. It fosters a strong family unit—a safety net of understanding and love. Moreover, it opens conversations on tricky topics that might ordinarily remain in silence. A family that discusses sensitive topics is a family that grows together.

The Takeaway

Focusing on emotional inheritance helps us understand the deeper, invaluable aspects of what we leave behind. It's about more than just material wealth; it's about shaping identities and nurturing bonds. In a world where change is a constant, establishing this emotional foundation can be the bedrock for future generations.

So, as we navigate our lives, let’s not forget the urge to leave behind not just possessions but emotional riches. Whether through creating a family tree infused with our values, or writing a legacy letter that resonates with love, the legacy we build with these stories can strengthen the connections we all crave.

Evaheld Legacy Vault

Evaheld is dedicated to empowering people to complete their digital Legacy and Advance Care Planning, with an all-inclusive Evaheld Legacy Vault making it easy, enjoyable and secure.

People are fully supported to future-proof their voice for better care and well-being, as well as preserve and share their story and legacy for loved ones and future generations.

And with twelve comprehensive categories that cover over 120 different content types, you can confidently create a family heirloom of true value for your loved ones and future generations.

What you can secure in your Evaheld Legacy Vault

1. Digital & Accessible Advance Care Directive

2. Health & Care Preferences

3. Family History & Legacy

4. Life Story, Memoir & Personal Truths

5. Preserve a Deceased Loved One's Memory & Legacy

6. Messages for Milestone Occasions

7. Legacy Letters & Legacy Statements

8. Life Lessons, Advice, Wisdom

9. Love, Appreciation & Encouragement

10. Future Generations

11. Forgiveness and Reconciliation

12. Funeral Preferences & Messages

Get started for FREE with an all-inclusive Evaheld Legacy Vault!

Evaheld Digital Advance Care Directive

Evaheld’s Advance Care Planning section focuses on preserving autonomy and preferences related to medical care. It includes identity preserving “About Me” content, as well as a digital Advance Health Directive, ensuring that people’s voices are heard, and their wishes carried out according to their Healthcare Directive.

A Comprehensive Digital Advance Care Directive is really important to secure for your care, and also to support your family, carers, and medical professionals to provide you with care as per your wishes.

The Top 10 Benefits of a Digital Evaheld Advance Care Directive

  1. Easy to follow, step-by-step guide, covering all the elements in a comprehensive Healthcare Directive

  2. Access your plan in an instant, 24/7

  3. Easily update and share your plan as frequently as you like over your lifetime

  4. Facilitating instant and seamless sharing with your trusted contacts, including your family, carers, doctor, medical team & lawyers

  5. Legally valid & secure

  6. Stored securely and all data kept on Australian servers (ISO 27001 certified)

  7. Keep your customised Emergency Access Card with you for additional comfort

  8. Nurses, carers, doctors, aged care and emergency department staff can access the information instantly, 24/7

  9. Unburden your loved ones from making difficult decisions during critical moments.Your family will appreciate your thoughtful preparation, and conflicts can be minimised.

  10. Peace of mind for you and you loved ones.

Remember that advance care planning is essential for ensuring that your healthcare preferences are known and respected. Evaheld streamlines this process, making it secure and accessible when it’s needed. By combining identity preserving “About Me” tools, with choice preserving Advance Care planning, Evaheld ensures that individuals’ voices are heard, and their wishes carried out, throughout their care journey.

Learn more about the importance of a secure and easily updatable, accessible and shareable Digital Advance Care Directive, and it’s only $19!

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