Welcome to our community

Evaheld is a Legacy & Care planning platform that helps people future-proof their voice for better wellbeing outcomes, and preserve their story and legacy, for their loved ones and future generations, so that their connections are everlasting.

Legacy Letter Kit: Download yours for free or complete it in your Evaheld account when you sign up! It’s free!

Evaheld's Legacy Letter is the perfect way to encapsulate your legacy and wisdom into a profound legacy gift that will be cherished by future generations.

Proudly supporting Derek's Place: Creating Lasting Memories and Support for Families in Need

An organization aiming to provide assistance and support to families with a terminally ill parent.

Evaheld Wins Social Impact Startup of the Year & Most Innovative Memorialisation & Care Planning Business

Evaheld has recently been awarded Social Impact Startup of the Year 2024 and Most Innovative Memorialisation & Care Planning Business 2024, in the APAC Insider’s Australian Enterprise Awards.


INELDA: Transforming the End of Life experience, globally

INELDA, the International End of Life Doula Association is a nonprofit organisation dedicated to enhancing the lives of individuals in their end of life journey.

The Australian Doula College: Honouring Life’s Transitions

Australia’s pre-eminent education, support and membership organisation for Doulas.

Evaheld Wins Social Impact Startup of the Year & Most Innovative Memorialisation & Care Planning Business

Evaheld has recently been awarded Social Impact Startup of the Year 2024 and Most Innovative Memorialisation & Care Planning Business 2024, in the APAC Insider’s Australian Enterprise Awards.

Meaningful Ageing in Australia: A Sense of Belonging

Dedicated to making every older person feel at ease, feeling belonging with a sense of wholeness and connection.

Dementia TLC: Education and Support for Dementia

A partner of All Home Care Matters, dedicated to educating and supporting Dementia through their platform

Dementia Support Australia: Understanding Dementia

DSA is an organisation dedicated to improving the understanding of Dementia and raising better awareness.

Brainstrust: The Brain Cancer People

Providing support and resources to assist individuals with a brain tumour, as well as their loved ones, live the life they want after diagnosis.

All Home Care Matters: A Podcast and Youtube Show

Using their platform to advocate and provide resources to families with long-term care questions.

Evaheld proudly supports Derek’s Place

Derek’s Place is an organisation that provides support and assistance to families especially experiencing a terminally ill parent.

Proudly supporting Derek's Place: Creating Lasting Memories and Support for Families in Need

An organization aiming to provide assistance and support to families with a terminally ill parent.

Rebecca Wellner: Advocating for Dementia Care and Connection

A Dementia Advocate on a journey to create A Sweeter Course, for those with Dementia, and that of their carers and loved ones

An Activity Calendar for Seniors with Dementia: A Guide to Meaningful Engagement

Australia has numerous organisations that provide remarkable support and resources for individuals with dementia and their caregivers.
