
Evaheld Team

Helping understand why legacy planning isn't just a checkbox on a legal forms list; it’s a vital process that can simplify complex situations and provide lasting peace of mind.

Celebrate professional achievements of cancer patients with a Professional Legacy Statement. Give the gift of preserved career insights with Evaheld.

Empower cancer patients capture family values and traditions with a Family Legacy Statement. Give a meaningful gift that lasts generations with Evaheld

Empower cancer patients to share their life story and values through a Personal Legacy Statement, creating a lasting impact for future generations.

Craft ethical wills at different life stages. Explore personal growth, spiritual development, and intergenerational wisdom sharing in your 20s, 40s, and 60s.

Craft an Ethical Will that promotes reconciliation, so family legacy and life lessons are preserved, enabling wisdom sharing & intergenerational communication

A guide to future-proof your voice and preferences to ensure better health, care and wellbeing outcomes, now and in the future by completing your Advance Care Directive.

A guide to future-proof your voice and preferences to ensure better health, care and wellbeing outcomes, now and in the future by completing your Advance Care Directive.

A guide to future-proof your voice and preferences to ensure better health, care and wellbeing outcomes, now and in the future by completing your Advance Care Directive.

A guide to future-proof your voice and preferences to ensure better health, care and wellbeing outcomes, now and in the future by completing your Advance Care Directive.

A guide to future-proof your voice and preferences to ensure better health, care and wellbeing outcomes, now and in the future by completing your Advance Care Directive.

A guide to future-proof your voice and preferences to ensure better health, care and wellbeing outcomes, now and in the future by completing your Advance Care Directive.