Evaheld Legacy Letter

Evaheld has helped countless people to craft, safekeep and send their legacy content to whomever they wish, at any time they choose, including on significant dates in the future, such as milestone birthdays, and we’ve compiled some of our most frequently asked questions about one of our community’s favourite styles of legacy content, Legacy Letters, aka Ethical Wills.

Evaheld Legacy Letter - Empowering people to preserve their story and legacy

Evaheld has helped countless people to craft, safekeep and send their legacy content to whomever they wish, at any time they choose, including on significant dates in the future, such as milestone birthdays, and we’ve compiled some of our most frequently asked questions about one of our community’s favourite styles of legacy content, Legacy Letters, aka Ethical Wills.

Sign up for a Free Evaheld account and start crafting your Legacy Letter, plus we'll safekeep and deliver it for you whenever you choose, for free!

Evaheld for Legacy Preservation and Care Planning

Evaheld is a Legacy and Care planning app that empowers people to easily and enjoyably create more than 40 types of legacy and care planning content that future-proofs their voice for better care and wellbeing outcomes, as well as preserves their story and legacy for their loved ones and future generations.

People are supported through the entire creation process, with the world’s most comprehensive suite of content types and in-browser video, audio and written content creation (or uploads), and of course secure lifetime storage. People also have full management over their recipient, privacy and delivery preferences, safeguarding their privacy, independence, and connections to loved ones today, and into the future.

Evaheld's Legacy Letter

Evaheld has helped countless people to craft, safekeep and eventually deliver their legacy content to whomever and whenever they wish, such as on significant dates in the future, and we’ve compiled some of our most frequently asked questions about one of our community’s favourite styles of legacy content, Legacy Letters, aka Ethical Wills.

Evaheld's Legacy Letter Kit, otherwise known as an Ethical Will, is the perfect way to leave less unsaid and encapsulate your legacy and wisdom into a profound legacy gift that will be cherished by your loved ones and future generations forever. And it is common that once someone writes a legacy letter on our platform, they then choose to transform it into a personalised video or audio podcast for their loved ones to receive whenever they choose.

Sign up for a Free Evaheld account and start crafting your Legacy Letter, plus we'll safe-keep and deliver it for you whenever you choose, for free!

What is a Legacy Letter?

A simple way to encapsulate your life’s legacy so that it can be shared with your loved ones and future generations. For most people it includes one’s most significant life experiences, values and what matters to them most, as well as providing an opportunity to leave less unsaid and tie up any loose ends. It can be delivered at any time that is meaningful for the creator, or posthumously.

Why should I write a Legacy Letter?

A legacy letter embodies the preservation of legacy, voice and personal truth, and is often an empowering tool of healing and remembrance for all.

More poignantly, a recent study has categorised the following purposes in order of importance for people: as a way to be remembered, to preserve, or pass on an intangible legacy (26.3%), communicate to others (e.g., exhortation, forgiveness, blessings; 23.4%), cope with transitions or mortality (13.7%), compliment the legal or estate planning process (11.4%), address failures, barriers, and conflicts (10.9%), clarify the writer’s meaning and purpose in life (8.6%), and foster intergenerational connection (5.7%). Neller SA, McFarland MM, Edelman LS, Towsley GL. Leaving a lasting legacy: A scoping review of ethical wills. Palliat Support Care. 2023

Easily and enjoyably craft your Legacy Letter and much more with Evaheld

Is a Legacy Letter the same thing as a memoir?

Unlike a memoir, a legacy letter is usually only 3 - 5 pages, and provides a concise way for a person to encapsulate what is of most significance after a lifetime of experience, perhaps imparting values and a final goodbye, as opposed to recording one’s story. Efficiency is also a very important factor when time is of the essence, and some simply prefer the shorter format.

Is a Legacy Letter and an Ethical Will the same?

In short, yes. There is no distinguishable difference, except for the name, and often the terms are used interchangeably. However, we do find that the term “Legacy Letter” is preferred, perhaps because it sounds more personal and not legal, which can sometimes deter people from creating one.

A Legacy Letter is NOT the same as a Legal Will- it is not a legal document at all. As one writer put it, “Legal wills bequeath valuables; ethical wills bequeath values.” Currently, not as many people create Legacy Letters as Legal Wills, however, it is becoming more common. A Legacy Letter does not need to be administered by a solicitor, although it can be.

When should I write a legacy letter?

A Legacy Letter should be written whenever feels right for the person, however we would cation to do it sooner rather than later, in order to guard against the unexpected, because while it’s never too early, one day it might just be too late.

Why write it down instead of say it?

PLEASE SAY IT IN PERSON, there isn’t anything like it! However, the ability to do this is not everyone’s reality, and at least with a Legacy Letter you can rest assured that you’ve left less unsaid... And even if you can say it in person, by also writing it down, you’ve also gifted your loved ones and future generations with the perfect family heirloom and everlasting connection.

How do I start?

People’s Legacy Letters will differ based on many different factors and so will their motivations for starting and the way they go about it! However, what is important is to start thinking about it and perhaps noting what’s important to you. To help you with this process, we’ve provided our six-part model which might help you organise your thoughts and feelings.

Sign up for a Free Evaheld account and start crafting your Legacy Letter, plus we'll safekeep and deliver it for you whenever you choose, for free!

Evaheld Legacy Letter Masterclass

Evaheld is delighted to invite you to a complimentary Legacy Masterclass, offered completely free of charge. These masterclasses are more than just a learning experience - they are an empowering journey that equips you with everything you need to confidently craft your Legacy Letter, plus you can do it for free in your Evaheld account, and they'll safekeep it and deliver it on your behalf for free!

But the empowerment doesn’t stop there. Evaheld's Legacy Masterclasses also empowers you to guide a loved one or someone for whom you provide care, to comfortably and confidently craft their own Legacy Letter.

To join us on this enriching journey, simply register for the Evaheld Legacy Masterclass. Remember, it’s absolutely free!

Join us for the Evaheld Legacy Letter Masterclass!

Preserve your story and legacy for your loved ones and future generations

With Evaheld, people are fully supported to create and safekeep Legacy and Care Planning content, resting assured that it will be securely and independently delivered and published as per their wishes, preserving their story, legacy and connections with their loved ones and future generations, today and into the future.

Sign up for a Free Evaheld account and start crafting your Legacy Letter, plus we'll safekeep and deliver it for you whenever you choose, for free!

Evaheld - Creating moments of connection, because connection is all we have.

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