INELDA is partnering with Evaheld to bring Sentimental Legacy and Advance Care Planning to their Community

INELDA is dedicated to empowering her Community to complete their Legacy and Advance Care Planning, they’ve partnered with Evaheld to ensure it’s an easy, accessible and secure process, so that people’s voices are future-proofed for better care and well-being, and their most precious messages, story and legacy is preserved for their loved ones and future generations.

INELDA is dedicated to empowering their Community to complete their Legacy and Advance Care Planning, and they’ve partnered with Evaheld to ensure that it is an easy, accessible and secure process, so that people’s voices are future-proofed for better care and well-being, and their most precious messages, story and legacy is preserved for their loved ones and future generations.

The International End of Life Doula Association (INELDA) is a beacon of compassion and support for individuals facing the end of life. Founded on the principles of empathy, dignity, and community, INELDA strives to redefine the narrative around death and dying.

INELDA traces its roots to a time when the natural process of dying was overshadowed by medical interventions. Recognizing the need for a more holistic approach, a group of dedicated individuals came together to form an organisation that values the human experience at its core.

At the core of INELDA’s mission is a commitment to fostering inclusive communities where all individuals, regardless of background or circumstance, can thrive. Through a variety of programs and services, INELDA works to empower individuals to reach their full potential and lead fulfilling lives.

INELDA emphasises the need to have care, compassionate, engaging and open-hearted presence to those dying. INELDA welcomes anyone nearing the End of Life and encourages the presence of doulas. They strive to create a world where every individual’s journey towards the end is treated with the utmost respect and dignity. Their vision is to ensure that people pass away in a manner that not only respects their cultural beliefs but also fulfils their deepest wishes.

INELDA believes in honouring the diverse identities of individuals during their final moments. It is essential to them that a person’s race, sexual orientation, and gender are acknowledged and respected throughout their End of Life journey.

The Role of End-of-Life Doulas

End-of-life doulas play a crucial role in supporting individuals through the dying process with compassion and care. These dedicated professionals, also known as death doulas or soul midwives, offer invaluable emotional and spiritual support to both the dying and their loved ones.

One of the primary functions of an end-of-life doula is to provide holistic support to individuals approaching the end of their lives. This includes creating a peaceful and comforting environment, facilitating open conversations about death and dying, and offering companionship during this profound transition.

End-of-life doulas are trained to honour cultural diversity and respect the unique beliefs and traditions of each individual. By acknowledging and incorporating cultural practices into their care, doulas help ensure that the dying person's final journey is a reflection of their identity and values.

Supporting the Dying Process

End-of-life doulas offer practical assistance and emotional guidance to help individuals navigate the physical and emotional challenges that come with the dying process. From providing comfort measures to advocating for the individual's wishes, doulas play a vital role in ensuring a dignified and peaceful transition.

Providing Emotional and Spiritual Care

Emotional and spiritual care are at the core of an end-of-life doula's role. They offer a listening ear, a compassionate presence, and a safe space for individuals to express their fears, hopes, and desires as they approach the end of life. By addressing emotional and spiritual needs, doulas help individuals find peace and acceptance during this profound time.

Honouring Cultural Diversity

End-of-life doulas understand the importance of cultural sensitivity and inclusivity in their practice. They work closely with individuals and their families to incorporate cultural traditions, rituals, and beliefs into the end-of-life care plan. By honouring cultural diversity, doulas ensure that each person's final moments are meaningful, respectful, and aligned with their cultural values.

Promoting Compassionate Care

When it comes to end-of-life care, promoting compassionate and empathetic practices is crucial. The International End of Life Doula Association (INELDA) stands at the forefront of advocating for compassionate care during the most delicate stages of life. Let's delve into the key talking points that highlight the importance of promoting compassionate care:

Normalising Death and Grief

One of the primary focuses of compassionate care is normalising the concepts of death and grief. In many societies, these topics are often taboo or avoided, leading to fear and discomfort surrounding the end of life. By encouraging open conversations and education about death and grief, INELDA aims to create a supportive environment where individuals can navigate these natural processes with dignity and understanding.

Education and Stewardship

Education plays a vital role in promoting compassionate care. INELDA emphasises the importance of providing conscientious education to both caregivers and individuals facing the end of life. By equipping people with the knowledge and skills to navigate this challenging time, INELDA fosters a sense of stewardship towards end-of-life care. Through training programs and resources, INELDA empowers individuals to approach death with compassion, respect, and dignity.

Creating a Supportive Community

Central to promoting compassionate care is the creation of a supportive community that embraces individuals during their end-of-life journey. INELDA envisions a world where doulas are available to everyone, regardless of background or circumstance, to provide comfort and companionship. By fostering community support and advocacy, INELDA ensures that no one faces the end of life alone. Together, we can create a compassionate and inclusive environment that honors each person's unique journey.

Advocacy and Community Support

As the International End of Life Doula Association (INELDA) continues to make strides in promoting compassionate care and community advocacy, it focuses on three key areas: Ensuring Access to End-of-Life Care, Addressing Disparities in Care, and Empowering Doulas and Caregivers.

Ensuring Access to End-of-Life Care

INELDA is dedicated to ensuring that everyone has access to quality end-of-life care. By providing education, resources, and support, the organization aims to empower individuals and families to make informed decisions about their care preferences. Through training programs and community outreach, INELDA strives to create a more inclusive and supportive environment for those facing the end of life.

Addressing Disparities in Care

One of the core missions of INELDA is to address disparities in end-of-life care. The organisation recognizes that marginalised communities, including Black individuals, people of color, LGBTQ+ individuals, the homeless, and the impoverished, often face barriers to accessing compassionate care. By advocating for equitable and accessible services, INELDA works towards ensuring that everyone receives the support they need during this critical time.

Empowering Doulas and Caregivers

INELDA believes in the power of doulas and caregivers to provide comfort, companionship, and guidance to those nearing the end of life. By offering training, mentorship, and resources, the organisation empowers doulas and caregivers to deliver holistic care that honours the individual's wishes and values. Through community engagement and advocacy efforts, INELDA strives to elevate the role of doulas and caregivers in the end-of-life care landscape.

Here to Serve our Community

The International End of Life Doula Association's commitment to advocacy and community support is evident in its efforts to ensure access to end-of-life care, address disparities in care, and empower doulas and caregivers. By championing compassionate care, promoting inclusivity, and fostering a supportive community, INELDA continues to make a meaningful impact on the lives of those facing the end of life.

As we navigate the complexities of death and dying, INELDA shines as a guiding light, offering solace, support, and advocacy for all. Embrace the transformative power of end-of-life doulas and the compassionate care they provide, ensuring that every individual's journey towards the end is met with dignity, respect, and understanding.


Evaheld is the world’s first integrated Legacy and Care planning app that empowers people to easily and enjoyably create, safekeep and deliver all sorts of legacy preserving and advance care planning content that future-proofs their voice for better care and wellbeing outcomes, as well as preserves their story and legacy for their loved ones and future generations.

Evaheld’s vision is a world where connections are no longer lost, but are nurtured, maintained and everlasting. We’re proud to partner with INELDA to empower their members and community to complete their Legacy and Advance Care Planning.

With Evaheld, people are supported through the entire creation process, with the world’s most comprehensive suite of content types and in-browser video, audio and written content creation (or uploads), and of course secure lifetime storage. People also have full management over their recipient, privacy and delivery preferences, safeguarding their privacy, independence, and connections to loved ones today, and into the future.

1. Video messages for loved ones, children and grandchildren

2. Memoirs: Encapsulating Personal memories, stories, and experiences.

3. Advance Care Planning: Future-proofing voice and story for better care outcomes.

4. Digital Legacy Letters aka Ethical Wills

5. Future Video Birthday Messages: Personalised video messages to be delivered on future milestone dates

6. Storybook Recordings: Read your kid's favourite stories and ensure they're given to your unborn grandchildren one day

7. Thank you video messages

8. Family History Podcasts & videos: Share and preserve your family history and stories forever.

9. Video messages for unborn grandchildren and future generations

10. Goodbye video messages and recordings and messages.

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