Legacy Software Examples: Preserving Your Family Legacy

Learn about how modern legacy softwares can help you to uphold your family legacy.

Family legacy softwares and online platforms are becoming increasingly popular methods for supporting the preservation of family legacies for future generations. This blog post explores various family history legacy software examples where individuals can turn to in order to keep their family legacy alive.

Watch how Evaheld’s platform helps people preserve their legacy

Importance of Upholding Family Legacies

Families are the cornerstone of our society. They provide us with love, support, and a sense of belonging. In addition to these intangible benefits, families also have a rich history and heritage that is worth preserving. Upholding family legacies is not only important for our own personal understanding of where we come from, but it also has a profound impact on future generations. In this blog post, we will explore the significance of preserving family history, strengthening family bonds, and fostering a sense of belonging.

Preserving Family History for Future Generations

Every family has a story to tell. The stories of our ancestors are like pieces of a puzzle that, when put together, provide us with a greater understanding of who we are and where we come from. Through the preservation of photographs, documents, heirlooms, and oral traditions, we are able to pass this valuable knowledge down to future generations.

Family history serves as a bridge between the past, present, and future. It allows us to learn from our ancestors' experiences, their struggles, and their triumphs. By understanding our roots, we can make more informed decisions about our own lives and contribute to the collective wisdom of our family.

Furthermore, the preservation of family history fosters a sense of pride and identity. When we know our family's story, we become part of something greater than ourselves. It gives us a sense of continuity and a foundation upon which to build our own lives.

Strengthening Family Bonds and Identity

Family is more than just blood relations. It is a web of interconnected relationships that provide emotional support and a sense of belonging. Upholding family legacies strengthens these bonds and reinforces our shared identity.

When we take the time to learn about our family's history, we are able to connect with our ancestors on a deeper level. Their stories become our stories, and their values become our values. This shared heritage creates a sense of unity and strengthens the bonds between family members.

Family traditions also play a significant role in strengthening family ties. Whether it's a holiday gathering, a regular family dinner, or a special celebration, these traditions bring family members together and create opportunities for meaningful connections. They provide a sense of stability and continuity, making us feel grounded in our familial relationships.

Providing a Sense of Belonging and Understanding

One of the fundamental human needs is the need for belonging. We all desire to be a part of something larger than ourselves. Upholding family legacies provides us with a sense of belonging and understanding, and in today’s ever-evolving technological society, families can look through a myriad of family legacy software examples to uphold their legacies. The New York Times article, Why You Should Dig Up Your Family’s History — and How to Do It, also emphasises the growing need for families to help future generations answer the question of, “Where am I from?”.

When we know our family history and traditions, we are able to find our place within the larger family unit. We understand our roles, responsibilities, and expectations. This sense of belonging helps us navigate our relationships with family members and strengthens our overall well-being.

Additionally, knowing our family history gives us a greater understanding of ourselves. We can see patterns, strengths, and traits that have been passed down through generations. This self-awareness allows us to embrace our uniqueness and appreciate the contributions we can make to our family and society.

Furthermore, preserving family legacies can be therapeutic. It can help individuals heal from past traumas, reconcile with their roots, and find a sense of peace. Understanding our family history can provide answers to questions about our identity and place in the world.

Upholding family legacies is of utmost importance, and families can explore online legacy software examples for a quick and convenient way to do so. It preserves family history for future generations, strengthens family bonds and identity, and provides a sense of belonging and understanding. By taking the time to learn about and preserve our family's heritage, we can leave a lasting legacy for generations to come.

Family Legacy Software Examples

Those who are interested in exploring their roots and discovering more about their family history have several options available to them. If you are interested in tracing your family history, organising and documenting your findings can be a daunting task. Luckily, there are several software options available that can assist you in managing your family tree, tracking genealogy, and sharing your discoveries with others. In this blog post, we will explore a variety of prominent family legacy software examples.


Evaheld is an organisation dedicated to preserving family legacies and maintaining everlasting connections. It is a valuable organisation that offers extensive features to help create a family vault that will become an heirloom treasure trove for future generations and preserve your family legacy through online platforms. By utilising Evaheld, individuals can ensure that their family history and memories are preserved with the help of memorialisation guides and prompts created by experts, making it easily accessible for future generations. Through Evaheld, you can create and safe-keep Legacy and Care Planning content, resting assured that it will be securely and independently delivered and published as per your wishes, preserving your legacy forever.

Evaheld helps families to create personalised legacy content, such as:

  • Personal memoirs
  • Care Planning Guides
  • Favourite Storybook Recording
  • Future Birthday Messages
  • Personalised video messages for children, grandchildren, and unborn grandchildren
  • Family History Podcasts


Ancestry.com is a widely recognized and trusted online platform that has revolutionised the way people research their family history. With a vast collection of historical records and family trees, Ancestry.com has made it easier than ever for individuals to uncover their past and connect with their ancestors and is at the forefront of global legacy software examples.

One of the main features that sets Ancestry.com apart is its DNA testing service. By providing a DNA sample through a simple cheek swab, users can uncover their ethnic origins and connect with potential relatives who have also taken the test. This can be particularly useful for individuals interested in understanding their Australian heritage and discovering connections they may not have been aware of.

Additionally, Ancestry.com provides a user-friendly interface that allows individuals to build their family trees and connect with others who are researching their own family histories. The platform offers hints and suggestions based on its extensive records, helping users discover new branches of their family tree and piece together their relatives' stories, and making it one of the most popular legacy software examples.


23andMe is another popular option for individuals interested in exploring their genetic heritage through relevant legacy software examples.

With a straightforward DNA test kit, 23andMe analyses the user's genetic information and provides insights into their ancestry composition, allowing them to learn about the different ethnicities that contribute to their genetic makeup. While the focus is primarily on genetic origins, the service also offers some information about geographical migration patterns and can help individuals understand the broader context of their family history.

Like Ancestry.com, 23andMe also enables users to connect with potential genetic relatives. By comparing their DNA with that of other individuals in the 23andMe database, users can discover distant cousins and potentially uncover new branches of their family tree. This aspect can be particularly fascinating for those interested in exploring their Australian heritage and understanding the broader context of their genetic ancestry.


FamilySearch is a free online platform supported by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is focused on discovering and preserving family history worldwide.

Unlike Ancestry.com and 23andMe, FamilySearch does not offer DNA testing services or extensive genealogical records. Instead, it acts as a vast repository of family trees, historical records, and user-contributed content, making it one of the most reliable legacy software examples. The platform allows individuals to build and share their family trees, collaborate with others, and access millions of historical records from around the world.

FamilySearch also provides access to valuable resources for exploring family history, such as birth, marriage, and death records, immigration and naturalisation documents, and census data. These resources can be incredibly useful for individuals who are interested in tracing their roots and understanding their family's place in the country's history. FamilySearch offers a variety of helpful tools and resources to aid in genealogical research. Their online family tree builder allows individuals to easily create and manage their family tree, while their educational resources provide guidance on everything from getting started in genealogy to conducting thorough research.


Findmypast.com is another popular platform for tracing family history. It offers a comprehensive collection of Australian records, including birth, marriage, and death records, as well as immigration and military records.

One of the standout features of Findmypast.com is its newspaper archive. This archive includes a vast collection of global newspapers dating back to the early 1800s, providing a valuable resource for uncovering details about your ancestors' lives. From birth announcements to obituaries, these newspapers can offer unique insights into the stories of your family.

In addition to its extensive collection of records, Findmypast.com also provides access to a wide range of international records, making it one of the most useful legacy software examples for researching ancestors who may have migrated from other countries.


MyHeritage is a popular choice for those interested in both DNA testing and family tree building. With a user-friendly interface and a range of powerful features, MyHeritage makes it easy to discover and connect with your ancestors.

One of MyHeritage's standout features is its Smart Matching technology, which automatically matches your family tree with other trees on the platform. This can help you find potential relatives and expand your family tree with minimal effort.

MyHeritage also offers DNA testing services, allowing you to uncover your ethnic origins and connect with relatives who share your DNA. The platform's DNA database is extensive, with millions of participants worldwide, offering a high likelihood of finding meaningful genetic connections.

In addition to its DNA testing and Smart Matching features, MyHeritage also provides tools for building and customising your family tree. You can easily add photos, documents, and other media to bring your family's story to life. The platform also offers access to historical records, allowing you to research and verify the information in your family tree.


Evaheld, Ancestry.com, 23andMe, FamilySearch, Findmypast.com, and MyHeritage are some prominent family legacy software examples, used to uphold, share, and even discover family legacies. Consider exploring these platforms and family legacy software examples, and discover the rich history of your heritage.

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