The Importance of WA Advance Care Directive

The importance to future-proof your voice and preferences to ensure better health, care and wellbeing outcomes now and in the future with a WA Advance Care Directive

WA Advance Care Directive

In the journey of life, uncertainties are inevitable. While we often embrace the unpredictability of everyday experiences, there are aspects we can plan for, especially when it comes to our health and well-being. WA Advance Care Directive empowers individuals to make decisions about their future healthcare, ensuring their wishes are known and respected even when they may not be able to communicate them directly. For Western Australians, creating an WA Advance Care Directive is not just a practical step but also an empowering process that fosters peace of mind and ensures dignity in times of medical incapacity.

Future-proof your voice and preferences for better health, care and wellbeing in the future, with Evaheld

The Importance of WA Advance Care Directive

WA Advance Care Directive is a proactive process of reflection, communication, and documentation of an individual's healthcare preferences. It enables individuals to articulate their values, beliefs, and preferences regarding medical treatments, end-of-life care, and other healthcare decisions. WA Advance Care Directive isn't solely for the elderly or those with chronic illnesses; it's for anyone over the age of 18 who wants to have a say in their healthcare decisions.

Key Components of an Advance Care Plan:

Appointing Substitute Decision-Makers

Choose a trusted individual(s) who will advocate for your wishes if you're unable to communicate them yourself. This could be a family member, friend, or legal representative.

Values and Preferences

Reflect on your values, beliefs, and what quality of life means to you. Consider the medical treatments you would want or refuse under various circumstances.

End-of-Life Care

Specify your preferences regarding end-of-life care, including life-sustaining treatments, palliative care, and hospice care.

Cultural and Spiritual Considerations

Take into account any cultural or spiritual beliefs that may influence your healthcare decisions.


Discuss your WA Advance Care Directive with your substitute decision-makers, healthcare providers, and loved ones. Ensure they understand your wishes and where to find your documentation.


Record your preferences in a legally binding document, such as an Advance Health Directive or Enduring Power of Attorney for Health

Let Evaheld be your partner on your Advance Care Planning journey and together we can make sure your loved ones are taken care of.

Creating Your Advance Care Plan in Western Australia

In Western Australia, the process of creating the WA Advance Care Directive involves several steps:

Reflect on Your Values and Preferences

Take time to reflect on your values, beliefs, and healthcare preferences. Consider what matters most to you in terms of quality of life and medical treatment.

Choose Your Substitute Decision-Maker

Select a substitute decision-maker(s) who understands your values and will advocate for your wishes. Discuss your preferences with them to ensure they are prepared to fulfil their role.

Complete the Relevant Documentation

In Western Australia, you have the option to complete an Advance Health Directive (AHD) and/or appoint an Enduring Power of Attorney for Health (EPA). An AHD allows you to specify your healthcare preferences, including consent or refusal of specific treatments, whereas an EPA appoints a trusted individual to make healthcare decisions on your behalf if you're unable to do so.

Consult with Healthcare Providers

Discuss your WA Advance Care Directive with your healthcare providers, including your general practitioner and specialists. They can offer guidance, ensure your plan aligns with medical standards, and document it in your medical records.

Share Your Plan

Communicate your WA Advance Care Directive with your substitute decision-maker(s), family members, and close friends. Provide them with copies of your documentation and ensure they know where to access it in case of an emergency.

Review and Update Regularly

Your preferences and circumstances may change over time. It's important to review your WA Advance Care Directive regularly and make updates as necessary. Life events such as marriage, divorce, or changes in health status may warrant revisions to your plan.

Learn more about the importance of a secure and easily updatable, accessible and shareable Digital Advance Care Plan


Evaheld is a Legacy and Care planning app that empowers people to easily and enjoyably create, safekeep and deliver all sorts of legacy and care planning content that future-proofs their voice for better care and wellbeing outcomes, as well as preserves their story and legacy for their loved ones and future generations.

People are supported through the entire creation process, with the world’s most comprehensive suite of content types and in-browser video, audio and written content creation (or uploads), and of course secure lifetime storage. People also have full management over their recipient, privacy and delivery preferences, safeguarding their privacy, independence, and connections to loved ones today, and into the future.

Learn more about comprehensive Legacy and Care planning with Evaheld

Evaheld Care Planning Suite: Empowering Better Care and Wellbeing outcomes today and into the future.

In this article, we delve into Evaheld’s comprehensive Care Planning Suite, designed to empower individuals by preserving their identities and ensuring their wishes for better care and wellbeing today and into the future. The suite comprises two essential sections:

About Me

Evaheld’s “About Me” section captures vital content that preserves a person’s identity and personality. Future caregivers gain valuable insights into an individual’s character, enabling them to align care outcomes with the person’s unique attributes—even if communication becomes challenging or impossible. This section includes Evaheld’s most popular self-preservation content and expert-curated questionnaires from Dementia Support Australia, providing a holistic view of the person’s life:

Produced by Evaheld

  1. “My Memoir” - A fulfilling and profound way to encapsulate a person’s life, character, values and most significant moments.
  2. “Legacy Letter” aka Ethical Will - An impactful way to encapsulate your most important life experiences and transmit your values and blessings to your children, grandchildren, or other loved ones.

Produced by Dementia Support Australia

  1. “About Me - In Brief”: A concise overview of personal preferences, interests, and lifestyle.
  2. “About Me - In Depth”: A more detailed exploration of the individual’s background, values, and life experiences.
  3. “Lifestyle and Social History”: A comprehensive overview which provides a holistic view of the person’s life.

Advance Care Planning

Evaheld’s Advance Care Planning section focuses on preserving autonomy and preferences related to medical care today and into the future. It addresses scenarios where individuals may be unable to make decisions due to incapacity at that future time, whether in the short or long term. Key features of this section include:

Comprehensive Advance Care Plan Questionnaire

  • The platform prompts you with a comprehensive questionnaire covering various aspects of your care preferences.
  • You’ll answer questions related to medical treatments, life-sustaining interventions, and quality-of-life considerations.
    • Evaheld’s Advance Care Plan covers all of the essential elements of a comprehensive Advance Care Directive, including:
      • Personal details
      • Guardianship
      • Personal Values
      • Emergency Preferences
      • Care Preferences
      • Organ & Tissue Donation
      • Personal Notes
      • Doctor & Health Team Details
      • Party Assisting with Documenting
      • Statement of Understanding
      • Witness Statement
    • The platform prompts you with a comprehensive questionnaire covering various aspects of your care preferences.
    • You’ll answer questions related to medical treatments, life-sustaining interventions, and quality-of-life considerations.

Personalised Choices

    • Based on your responses, Evaheld tailors your advance care plan to your specific wishes.
    • You can express your preferences regarding resuscitation, hospitalization, pain management, and more.

User-Friendly Interface

    • Evaheld provides an intuitive platform that guides you through the process step by step.
    • The user-friendly interface ensures that you can create your advance care plan without any technical difficulties.

Legal Validity

    • The digital advance care plan generated by Evaheld is legally valid.
    • It serves as a Common Law Advance Care Directive, ensuring that your wishes are legally recognized.

Emergency Access

    • Your advance care plan is accessible 24/7 via a QR code.
    • In emergencies, healthcare providers can quickly scan the QR code to access your preferences and provide appropriate care.

Trusted Contacts

    • Evaheld automatically shares your plan with trusted contacts.
    • Nurses, carers, doctors, and emergency department staff can access the information when needed.

Peace of Mind for Families

    • By creating an advance care plan, you relieve your loved ones from making difficult decisions during critical moments.
    • Your family will appreciate your thoughtful preparation, and conflicts can be minimised.

Australian-Based and Secure

    • All data is stored securely on Australian servers (ISO 27001 certified).
    • You can trust that your information is safe and confidential.

Remember that advance care planning is essential for ensuring that your healthcare preferences are known and respected. Evaheld streamlines this process, making it accessible and legally valid.

By combining identity preserving About Me and choice preserving Advance Care planning, Evaheld ensures that individuals’ voices are heard, and their wishes carried out, throughout their care journey.

Secure your care and wellbeing with Evaheld

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